Best Garage Roofing

The roof of your garage is an overlooked feature that’s absolutely essential to stay intact, whether you’re restoring an old garage, building a new one, or working with any type of garage. The roof – just as with the rest of the home – protects the garage from the outside elements and keeps your equipment safe and dry. Here’s a guide to the different types of the best garage roofing, as prepared by the garage door experts at Garage Door Repair Chicago.

Rolled Roofing

If your garage has a low pitch or a sloped roof, you need to work with rolled roofing These are the cheapest and fastest garages to build, even if they are less durable against leaks or heavy rain or hail. These roofs are made of asphalt in the form of rolls that are applied in horizontal strips. It’s simple to install, and ideal for a DIY project.

Metal Roofing

This material is durable, non flammable, and strong. It’s ideal for protecting expensive equipment, cars, or anything important in your garage. Metal roofs reflect heat, so the items in the garage won’t get too hot – and the metal reflectivity also makes metal roofing very energy efficient. They are lightweight, leak preventing, and aesthetically pleasing – which adds to your garage’s curb appeal. You can choose from durable corrugated steel, to coated steel, aluminium, or standing seam metal.

Asphalt Shingling

Asphalt shingles are popular for residential roofing and garages since they come in many different styles and colors. You can easily match your garage roof with that of your home by using asphalt shingles. They are light, adding very little extra weight or strain, and don’t absorb water, thus minimizing the chance of leaks and water damage. They do however absorb heat, so it’s likely they will make your garage hot in the summer (but stay warm in the winter!!) They are a good choice for people that don’t keep heat sensitive materials in your garage. If you want to decrease their amount of heat storage, choose a lighter colored asphalt shingle for your garage roof.

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