Chicago Garage Door Home Security

Garage Doors can quickly become an entry point for criminals looking to steal from you when they aren’t protected. In this blog entry, the garage installation experts at Garage Door Repair Chicago will help you understand eight fantastic ways that you can improve the security of your home garage door in order to bolster your home’s safety.

Keep an Eye on your Remote

Make sure to never leave the garage door remote exposed in your car. This will allow a thief who breaks into your car to access your garage, and potentially access your home or business through your home. Instead of keeping your garage door remote attached to the visor in the interior of your vehicle for safekeeping, try investing in a smaller garage remote that can be clipped to your keyring so that you never lose it.

Always Keep your Home Locked

If your garage is attached to your home – and even if it isn’t, by the way – make sure that your home stays locked. Consider upgrading to a high security deadbolt, or even a digital entry lock for your home’s doors, which make it much more difficult for criminals to break into your home.

Always Keep your Garage Door Closed

Garage doors should only be open when you are entering or exiting your garage. Don’t leave the garage door open when you’re going into your house to drop off or pick something up, even for just a minute – as even this brief time allows a thief to quietly come into your garage.

Keep Garage Windows Covered

Don’t let potential thieves peek into your garage where they could be tempted by expensive tools or equipment. Windows can become a tease for burglars to commit crimes – so instead, if you insist on having garage windows, cover them or add frosting to them that prevent them from being able to be looked into.

Padlock your Garage when you’re Away

When leaving on vacation, padlock your garage as an extra layer of security.

Utilize a Security System

If your home is aided by a security system, make sure it extends towards your garage. Using the powers of an alarm or camera system can help exponentially multiply the level to which your garage is protected.


Most people don’t pay too much attention to how garage doors are maintained. Give garage doors a check up now and then to verify that the door and it’s internal opener elements are working correctly – and if there’s any problems with this, make sure they are repaired as soon as possible.

Bright Lighting

Make sure there’s exterior lighting installed at your garage. This operates as a deterrent for potential thieves who will be scared of being sighted when attempting to break into your home – and can even function to help neighbors spot potential burglars that are brave/gutsy enough to attempt to break into your home anyway.

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