Garage Door Longevity

How long do most garages last? How can garage lifespan be increased? In this blog entry, the Chicagoland garage inspection and Chicago garage door repair experts here at Garage Door Repair Chicago will detail the most important things to know about garage door longevity.

What is the average garage door lifespan?

Like all appliances and mechanics, garages have an average lifespan. High quality garage doors should operate properly and provide strong security for many years. Most garage doors last between 15 and 30 years. Your garage door lifespan will vary based on its brand and type, as well as on factors like usage, maintenance, and weather. Based on the weather in your location and any potential storms, floods, snow, wind, or environmental factors, your garage door might last different periods of time. The amount of usage or open / close cycles that your garage can go through depends on the type of springs it has and its general condition, but the general idea is that the more a garage door is used, the faster it will degrade. However, garage door maintenance will increase garage lifespan.

Increasing Garage Door Lifespan

Increase your garage door lifespan by regularly inspecting all aspects of your garage door to make sure it’s working correctly. This includes rollers and weather seals, as well as garage door openers, panels, and springs. If any of these parts are worn down, have them professionally replaced. Periodically apply special garage door lubricant to rollers and tracks.

Pay close attention to garage door performance. Look out for any performance changes like uneven door opening, strange door opening or closing sounds, or irregular door speed. Pay close attention to your garage door springs, as by design they are only built to last a certain amount of opening and closing cycles. When it’s time to replace your garage door springs, arrange to have them replaced ONLY by a professional.

Furthermore, it’s important to take close care of your garage door exterior. Most garage doors, when dirty, will only require a clean damp rag and some mild detergent to be cleaned to good condition. However, garage door care depends on garage door material. Wooden garage doors need to be inspected for craving and warping – and they should be repainted if they peel or look dull. Any homeowners that have aluminum or vinyl garage doors should stay aware of cracks or bends in panels. The level of damage may or may not require garage door panel replacement. Steel garage doors might require painting, sanding, and inspection for rust on exterior panels, which, if found, should be treated by a professional as soon as possible.

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