Garage Door Maintenance Tips

Like other mechanical hardware, it’s best to provide regular and/or semi-regular maintenance to garage doors in order to ensure that they work as ideally as possible, for as long as possible. In this blog entry, the garage door repair experts here at Garage Door Repair Chicago will detail some excellent tips for garage door maintenance.

Observation of Garage Door

Before there is an issue, pay close attention to the sound and motion of your garage door as it opens and shuts. Learn what it sounds and feels like when it’s properly working so that you can better identify when it isn’t, and what issue is now off.


Cleaning the Door Area

Regularly clean the area around your garage door. Sweep any dust or dirt from the floor, take down cobwebs, remove clutter, and make sure no drainage is seeping around the garage. By removing potential dirt or mess, you lower the chances that the garage sensors will be obstructed, or other issues will occur.


Regular Garage Lubrication

Make sure to lubricate your garage door and its components semi-regularly, at least a few times a year. Lubricate it’s hinges, tracks, rollers, springs, and chains with specialized garage door spray – or silicone lubricant spray. Do not use WD-40 or lithium grease. This will make your garage operate more smoothly and prevent rust build up.


Weather Sealant

Make sure your garage’s weather sealant is intact, especially as seasons are changing. This will make sure your garage’s mechanics are protected from hot or cold air, debris, pests, or even small to medium sized animals like squirrels.


Balance Testing

Make sure that your garage is balanced by disconnecting the opener by pulling the release handle when the garage is closed – placing the garage into manual mode. Then lift the garage door halfway manually – if the door is properly balanced, it will stay in place when you take away your hand. If it isn’t balanced, it will move up or down, which indicates an issue.


Part Examination

Get a professional garage door expert, like those here at Garage Door Repair Chicago, to inspect your garage door’s cables, pulleys, and springs for any issues, breakage, or wear that may lead to a breakage soon. This is an issue of vital importance, and really must be handled by a professional. And grinding, whirring, or clicking noises when the door is open might indicate cable or spring issues. We stress, this is a job that should be left in the hands of garage door professionals.

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