Guide to Garage Door Longevity

Here’s a guide to garage door longevity and protection, as prepared by the Chicago garage door repair and Chicago garage door installation experts here at Garage Door Repair Chicago.

What’s the general lifespan of garage doors?

Garage door lifespans depend on their materials and the care the garage is provided. Steel and aluminum garage doors usually last between 20-30 years if they receive maintenance. Wood garage doors can last 15-20 years – or even more – with regular maintenance. Fiberglass and vinyl garage doors are the most affordable, and have a lifespan that usually lasts 15 years – but can easily last 30 years if they are well maintained.

How often should I replace my garage door?

Garage doors can function well for years with regular maintenance and repairs, but it’s a good idea to pay close attention to its performance. Signs that you need to replace your garage door include: erratic opening and closing, lots of nose, visible signs of damage ; having experienced exposure to extreme weather and/or collisions; or if it needs frequent and regular repairs.

What Other factors can impact how long my garage door works?

The following factors impact how long your garage door will last: how often you use your garage door, whether your garage door is exposed to harsh weather elements or humidity, how often your garage door receives maintenance, whether your garage door was professionally installed, and garage door materials.

How do I know if I should repair or replace my garage door?

This depends on a range of factors, but as a general rule, you should usually only DEFINITELY  replace your garage door when it cannot be repaired at all. You also might want to choose to upgrade your garage door to a more modern model that weather meshes with the aesthetics of your property better and provides more robust features; or if you are starting to notice that your garage door needs more repairs than ever before.

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