Signs your Garage Door Requires Replacement

Here at Garage Door Repair Chicago, we can repair and replace almost any part of a garage door that may not be working correctly, but in certain scenarios, it’s simply smarter to replace the garage door, as it’s a more practical, convenient, and financially viable decision for your home or business. Here’s four situations where it’s a good idea to replace your garage door.


There’s many ways a garage door can become irreversibly damaged. You may have backed into it, or wind may have knocked something heavy into it. Even extreme temperatures can severely warp the door itself. Garage doors are quite tough, but extreme damages can cause them to require replacement. The experts at Garage Door Repair Chicago are prepared to provide repair service for entire doors, or their individual parts, so contact us for an in-person evaluation of the specific damages. However, as we said above, sometimes wearing, tearing, and time can damage doors enough to severely compromise their functionality. If this has happened, the best thing to do is replace it completely.



There’s a billion appearance based issues that can affect your garage door, from bent areas, floppy rubber seals, warping, sagging, cracking, or peeling paint. When your garage looks worn down, your home will appear worn down as well. Think of it this way – the average garage door opens nearly two-thousand times a year. When any mechanical item is used this much, wear will eventually begin to show – and after a while, the operation of this machinery will be affected.  A brand new garage door won’t only operate better, but will improve the look of your home as well. Today there’s a wide variety of garage door aesthetics, makes, models, and functionality types that you can choose from, all carried in the massive garage door library of Garage Door Repair Chicago.



If your door isn’t completely broken – but is still giving you trouble, not operating the way that it really should, contact the experts at Garage Door Repair Chicago for an in-person inspection. Our technical experts will let you know if the door is a major safety risk or if it can be repaired. If it’s beyond repair however, they can provide a gratis consultation to help you look at brand new door options.


Real Estate

Each neighborhood has a home with a brand new paint job and lovely landscaping….AND a shoddy garage door. Since a garage door occupies up to half of the exterior facade of your home, their effect on the general appearance of your property should never be underestimated. A brand new garage door can vastly improve the resale value of your home – so when you’re considering curb appeal during a re-sale of your home, it’s important to make sure you have a brand new garage door so that you can get the highest investment returns on your property.

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